As reported in vernacular Kantipur Daily, a non resident Nepali Mr. Ram Sharan Panta has strangulated his wife Ms. Devi Panta. The newspaper reports that Mr. Ram Sharan is having one Japanese lady as a second wife in Japan while running some restaurants in Japan. As per the given report, Mr. Ram Sharan recently returned back to Nepal at the request of his mother. His mother constantly provoked him that his first wife Ms. Devi Panta has been destroying their home. Enraged by mother's complaints against his first wife, Mr. Ram Sharan who is in Nepal with his second wife Tumuko Yamana, started thrashing his wife Ms. Devi Panta very badly.
After severe trashing, he first tried to hospitalize her in Manmohan Memorial Hospital, a hospital named after first elected communist Prime-Minister of Nepal. As her treatment could not be pursued there, he once again took his first wife back to home and this is when he strangulated her to death. The next morning when they again tried to take the dead body to the hospital under the pretext of unconsciousness, the villagers became suspicious and started chasing the cab carrying the dead body. When the villagers saw the dead body in the morgue of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, they immediately started raising slogan again heinous murder of an innocent Nepali woman.
The police has already taken Mr. Ram Sharan Panta under custody and there he has accepted his guilt. For proper investigation, police has taken into custody all the family members as well as a domestic help of Mr. Ram Sharan Panta. Meanwhile, small children of the family are also taken care of by the Nepal police.
Because of extreme cruelty by an NRN husband, who is enjoying his marriage life in Japan with a Japanese lady, local villagers are in a state of shock. They have gheraoed Balaju police station and are now preparing to petition Embassy of Japan in Nepal to cancel the visa of Mr. Ram Sharan Panta. Because of widespread corruption, it is believed that Mr. Ram Sharan would bribe the officials and evade judicial probe. He has also tried to placate family members of the deceased to accept some money and let him come back to Japan. For this reason, his neighours and villagers are now moving to Japanese Embassy to cancel his visa.
It is really a matter of great sadness that Non Resident Nepalis (NRNs) in Japan are witnessing heinous crimes committed by NRNs both in Nepal and Japan. Please follow the link to read the news in vernacular Nepali language. http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnepalinews.php?&nid=126421श्रीमान्ले घाँटी थिचेर हत्या गरेको पुष्टि
After severe trashing, he first tried to hospitalize her in Manmohan Memorial Hospital, a hospital named after first elected communist Prime-Minister of Nepal. As her treatment could not be pursued there, he once again took his first wife back to home and this is when he strangulated her to death. The next morning when they again tried to take the dead body to the hospital under the pretext of unconsciousness, the villagers became suspicious and started chasing the cab carrying the dead body. When the villagers saw the dead body in the morgue of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, they immediately started raising slogan again heinous murder of an innocent Nepali woman.
The police has already taken Mr. Ram Sharan Panta under custody and there he has accepted his guilt. For proper investigation, police has taken into custody all the family members as well as a domestic help of Mr. Ram Sharan Panta. Meanwhile, small children of the family are also taken care of by the Nepal police.
Because of extreme cruelty by an NRN husband, who is enjoying his marriage life in Japan with a Japanese lady, local villagers are in a state of shock. They have gheraoed Balaju police station and are now preparing to petition Embassy of Japan in Nepal to cancel the visa of Mr. Ram Sharan Panta. Because of widespread corruption, it is believed that Mr. Ram Sharan would bribe the officials and evade judicial probe. He has also tried to placate family members of the deceased to accept some money and let him come back to Japan. For this reason, his neighours and villagers are now moving to Japanese Embassy to cancel his visa.
It is really a matter of great sadness that Non Resident Nepalis (NRNs) in Japan are witnessing heinous crimes committed by NRNs both in Nepal and Japan. Please follow the link to read the news in vernacular Nepali language. http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnepalinews.php?&nid=126421श्रीमान्ले घाँटी थिचेर हत्या गरेको पुष्टि
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हाम्रो टोलकी देवी
कात्तिक ५ गते बिहान । देवीको हत्या भएको खबरले एकलटार टोल स्तब्ध थियो । नहाँसी कुरै नगर्ने, मिलनसार र फरासिली छिमेकीको हत्याका अभियुक्त उनकै जीवनसाथी रामशरण पन्त थिए । उनका
सहयोगी सासू लेनुदेवी थिइन् । त्यस्तै सहयोगीमा देवर हरिशरण थिए ।
सात वर्षदेखि जापान बस्दै आएका रामशरणले त्यतै जापानी युवती तुमु यामानासँग विवाह गरेका रहेछन् । चौध वर्षको उमेरमै बिहे गरेर भित्र्याएकी श्रीमतीलाई जीवनबाट पन्छाउने उनको योजना बन्दै रहेछ । यो देवीलाई महसुस हुँदै गयो ।
परिवारका अन्य सदस्यले आफ्ना बारेमा नराम्रा कुरा गरेको धेरै चोटि उनले सुनिसकेकी रहिछन् । यसैक्रममा एकदिन उनले देवरसँग श्रीमान्ले फोनमा 'तेरो भाउजुलाई मारेर इनारमा फाली दिन्छु' भनेको समेत सुनेकी रहिछन् । उनको मनमा चिसो पस्दै गए पनि तीन बच्चाकी आमा भएकाले केही नगर्लान् भन्नेमा उनी विश्वस्त रहिछन् । उनले साथीहरूलाई भनेकी थिइन्,
'म मरिहालेँ र मेरो लास कतै भेटिएन भने घरको
इनारमा खोज्नु ।'
रामशरणले देवीसँग सम्बन्ध विच्छेदको प्रस्ताव राखेका थिए । तीन महिनादेखि देवीको हत्याको योजना उनको घरमा तयार हुन थाल्यो । आफ्नो शेषपछि नाबालक बच्चाले दुःख पाउलान् भन्ने पीरले सताउन थाल्यो देवीलाई । उनले एकदिन आफ्नो दस वषर्ीय छोरा विशालसँग आमा र बच्चासहित चारैजनाले विष खाएर मर्ने प्रस्ताव पनि राखिन् । छोरा सहमत भएनन् ।
दसैंको नवमीकै राति परिवारसँगको पूर्वयोजनाअनुसार रामशरणले देवीको हत्या गरे । उनको घरको त के टोललाई समेत दसैं मान्न रामशरणले दिएनन् । घटनाकै राति नाबालक छोरीछोरालाई भाइको घरमा पठाइएको थियो । भोलिपल्ट बिहान बच्चा घर फर्किँदा तिनका आमालाई आँगनमा सुताइएको थियो । अस्पताल लैजाने झूटो चाल खेली भाइ हरिशरणको
सहायतामा ट्याक्सीमा हाल्दा छिमेकीले पछ्याएकै कारण रामशरणको पाप खुल्यो ।
छब्बीस वर्षे जवानीमै हाम्रो टोलकी मिल्ने साथी देवीको हत्या भएको छ । ०६४ को दसैं देवी र उनको तीन नाबालक छोरीछोराका लागि समेत दसा बनेर भित्रियो । यस एकलटार टोलवासीका लागि पनि त्रासदीपूर्ण समयको रूपमा वषर्ाैं रहने भयो ।
म पनि यही टोलकी बासिन्दा भएकाले घटना देखे/सुनेको दिनदेखि चयन छैन । अपराधीलाई आमरण जन्मकैद हुनुपर्छ । यो सुनियोजित घटना हो । त्यसैले यसमा संलग्न सबैजनाले सजायको भागिदार हुनै पर्छ ।
अस्ति म देवीको घरतिर जाँदा घर भूतबँगलाजस्तो देखिन्थ्यो । राधाकृष्ण मन्दिर व्यवस्थापन समितिका अध्यक्ष हरिप्रसाद न्यौपाने आँखाभरि आँसु पार्दै भन्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो-'विचरी देवी बहिनी तीजको दिनमा यसै मन्दिरमा रातो सारी र हरियो तीलहरीमा छमछमी नाचेकी थिइन् । निकै फरासिली र मिलनसार थिइन् ।' टोल सुधार समितिका अध्यक्ष पनि मन अमिलो पार्दै भन्नुहुन्थ्यो- 'यो बाटो बनाउँदा देवी बहिनी साह्रै खुसी थिइन् । उनी भन्थिन्, कच्ची बाटोमा बच्चालाई स्कुटरमा स्कुल लैजाँदा/ल्याउँदा निकै दुःख भयो कति चोटी लडेँ, अब त निकै सजिलो हुने भयो ।'
यस्ता थुप्रै सम्झना देवीले टोलवासीलाई छाडेर गएकी छन् । र, छाडेकी छन् तीन जना नासोस्वरूप बच्चा -विशाल, दिव्या र स्मृति) यो राष्ट्रका लागि ।
- वसन्ती शाही
हाल ः एकलटार, काठमाडौं
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